Free Wi-Fi Map

Check these green icons to see more detail.
Orange:pre-registration is recommended
Black:for very limited people.

TSURUHA,Fukutaro|Japan's major pharmacy chain provides Free Wi-Fi

Tsuruha Holdings is Japan's 2nd-largest drug store chain. All you have to do is select the SSID and agree to the terms of service. You can use Free Wi-Fi at approx.1600 stores.
  • Entry: accept the user policy
  • Requirement:60 minutes/session, unlimited
  • Security: no
  • App:-
  • Area : the entire store
  • Adapted store: All stores
Tsuruha group includes: TSURUHA Drug Kusuri-no-FUKUTARO WANTS WELLNESS LADY Drug But only Tsuruha and Fukutaro is in Tokyo.

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